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The most universal device used in medical cosmetics….

How does the IPL treatment improve the appearance of blood vessels, rosacea, and age spots/freckles?

The laser/IPL device emits a range of lightwaves that are then tuned and targeted at hemoglobin (the red blood cells in the blood vessels) or melanin (the brown pigment in freckles and age spots). The light beam passes through the skin and is absorbed by either hemoglobin or melanin resulting in damage to the vessel wall or fragmenting of melanin pigment. These tiny vessels and the melanin pigment are then absorbed by the body, rendering them less visible.

Photorejuvenation (IPL – Intense Pulsed Light) laser treatments are most commonly used for:

  • Lightening and removing “sun spots”, “age spots”, and brown blotches on the face, neck, chest, hands and other areas of the body

  • Lightening and reducing redness, rosacea, dilated blood vessels and “broken” blood vessels on the face, neck and chest

  • Helping to control flushing

  • It also has a lesser effect of improving skin texture through collagen stimulation and improves pore size minimally by temporarily reducing oiliness

  • Acne filter for IPL reduces acne vulgaris (best in a series)

  • What should I do prior to my laser treatment?

    1. For 2-4 weeks before your treatment, avoid self-tanners and excessive sun.

    2. You may be asked to discontinue minocycline, tetracycline, doxycycline or Retin-A/Renova several days prior to each treatment.

    3. You may be asked to avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen, or Aleve one week prior to treatment unless medically indicated to help prevent bruising.

    4. Protect your improved skin with sunscreen every morning. Hats and sunglasses are also good protection from the sun.

    Who should not get these treatments?

    Avoid laser treatments in pregnancy because no testing has been done.